Artwork should address the theme, What will we do on the Moon and why is it important?
Entry Deadline
Forms, agreements, and artwork must be received by 23:59 US Central Standard Time, July 31, 2019
Individuals must be 10 to 18 years old (born on or after January 23, 2001).
Art by 10-13 and 14-18 year-olds will be judged separately.
An artist younger than 10 years old can still enter the competition, but he/she will be judged with 10–13 years old.
Artwork Guidelines
Select one of the links below for more information about the type of artwork you are submitting:
NOTE: For the Summer 2019 Greater Houston Moon Contest, only 2D Visual Art will be accepted!
Visual Art
How to Enter
Artists must submit all artwork electronically via the SciArt Exchange submission system: https://contest.sciartexchange.org/greater-houston-youth-moon-art-2019/
If you absolutely cannot submit electronically, please contact contests@sciartex.org.
Artwork can be disqualified for:
1) Falsification of any information on the forms, plagiarism, or use of copyrighted material without permission or documentation of effort to obtain permission.
2) Use of profanity, nudity not representing the human body in a positive way, substance abuse, or violent images.
Teams may submit an entry, using the same process as a single artist, but a main point of contact must be indicated for the team. Each artist in the team still also needs to include his/her contact information and submit his/her own parent or guardian signed agreement.
Multiple Entries by an Artist
Artists can submit up to 3 entries total in the same or different art categories, but they must submit each item separately with a complete set of entry information.
Teachers or Others Submitting on Behalf of an Artist
A teacher or other person may submit on behalf of an artist or artists, and he/she can be the main point of contact for the artwork, but he/she must still obtain an agreement signed by a parent or guardian for each artist. These agreements can be submitted by the parent electronically, or scanned and uploaded online, or postally mailed in a group by the teacher. If the teacher or other person intends to submit 100 artworks or more to a single age and art category, please contact contests@sciartex.org in advance.
Distribution of Awards
Great Houston Area Winners will be notified of the invitation to display their artwork at the MFAH in early September.
You may contact us at contests@sciartex.org. Please include “Youth Art Competition” in subject line.
Visual Art
Artists must submit original visual artwork only as digital images of the physical art. Take the highest quality photo possible (high resolution, in focus, and centered). Submit digital images as either .jpg, .gif, .png or pdf files, with 25 Mb maximum file size.
Some submitters may be asked to provide a higher resolution image for display of their artwork; so keep your original artwork. Visual art submitters should also be prepared to send their original artwork to the Competition organizers, if requested, for display. Do NOT send original art unless you are specifically asked to do so.
Include information about the size of your original artwork and the media that you used to create it in your Artist’s Statement of Originality. (See “How to Enter” tab).
indicate the Visual Art Category on the entry form:
Two-Dimensional (2D) - Largely flat images produced via single or multiple media, such as, paintings or drawings made from watercolors, acrylics, oils, pencils, magic markers, inks, charcoals, mixed media cloth, Photoshop, 3D computer modeling software, etc. One digital image per 2D visual art entry is permitted.
NOTE: For the Summer 2019 Greater Houston Moon Contest, only 2D Visual Art will be accepted!
Sequential - Graphic novels or comic strips. A maximum of eight (8) pages (with each page containing multiple frames) is allowed for a sequential art entry.
Three-Dimensional (3D) - Sculpture, using single or multiple materials such as clay, paper-mache, wood, plaster, legos, etc. Three digital images (preferably of different views) per 3D entry are permitted.
Judging Criteria for Visual Art
The panel of contest judges will be a mixture of scientists, engineers, and artists from around the world. They will award a maximum of 100 points for:
Aesthetics - Shapes, colors, textures, flow, proportions, composition, etc. [20 points]
Skill - Are knowledge of the media or principles of art demonstrated? [20 points]
Inherent Meaning - What is the story or statement? [20 points]
Creativity - Is the artwork creative and original? [20 points]
Fulfilled Intent - Is thematic topic apparent in the work? [20 points]
Only original literary artwork can be entered into the competition. Plagiary will be disqualified. If you have any questions about whether your writing would be considered plagiary, contact contests@sciartex.org
Artwork should be:
• 12 point Arial, New Times Roman or Courier font.
• Written in English.
• Submitted as a PDF file.
If an artist writes first in his/her native language and then uses a program like Google translate to convert the text to English, he or she should try to have someone proofread the writing to minimize common language conversion errors.
Indicate Literary Art Category on the entry form:
Poetry Category - MAXIMUM 20 lines. If you can relay your feelings in fewer words, that’s great! Make every word count.
Flash Fiction Category - MAXIMUM 250 words. If you can tell your story, powerful moment, or emotion in fewer words, that’s great! Make every word count.
Judging Criteria for Literature
The panel of contest judges will be a mixture of scientists, engineers, and artists from around the world. They will award a maximum of 100 points for:
Aesthetics - [20 points]
Poetry (Consider imagery, speaker, occasion, and tone.)
Flash Fiction [Consider structure of action (may be minimal for 250 words), characters, point of view, setting (time and place), symbolism/imagery, and tone.]
Mechanics - [20 points]
Language and style, structure and organization, grammar, spelling, and punctuation)
Inherent Meaning - [20 points]
Poetry (What is the central purpose of the poem? Is this purpose realized? By what means is the purpose realized?)
Flash Fiction (Is the story well-structured to accomplish its central purpose? Are technique and subject matter fused into a meaningful whole? What is the impact on the reader?)
Creativity - (Is the written work creative and original?) [20 points]
Fulfilled Intent - (Is thematic topic apparent in the work?) [20 points]
All compositions must be LESS THAN 5 MINUTES LONG. Shorter and higher quality is better!
Only original musical compositions will be accepted. Borrowing from copyrighted material is not allowed. Credit any music performers and any software used to compose.
Audio files must be submitted in either .wav or .mp3 format.
Sheet music, guitar tab, or lyrics should be submitted in PDF format.
Artists should keep all raw formats of files or any other information that might be needed later in order to prepare a submission for display or performance, if selected.
The Artist’s Statement of Originality is especially important for the judging, as it helps the evaluator to understand the story or motivation behind the music. Please prepare a good Statement.
Artists must indicate their Video Category on the entry form.
Non-orchestral - Composer can use any instruments. Provide an audio file and a PDF file for lyrics and a pdf of sheet music, chords, or guitar tab, whenever possible, to allow for possible performance, if selected.
Orchestral - Composer can use only “standard orchestral instruments.” Make music suitable for performance by talented high school-aged performers. If you had any adult help, acknowledge who helped you and in what way in your Artist Statement of Originality. Provide an audio file and sheet music in a PDF file. Be prepared to provide your music later as individual instrument parts, if your music is selected for performance.
Judging Criteria for Music
The panel of contest judges will be a mixture of scientists, engineers, and artists from around the world. They will award a maximum of 100 points for:
Aesthetics - “Is it music?” How artistic, enjoyable or beautiful is the work? [30 points]
Mechanics - Demonstrates proper use of time signatures, notes, chords, stems, rhythm, etc. [20 points]
Structure - Demonstrates traditional and/or inventive use of melody, harmony, choice of instruments, and form. [20 points]
Creativity - Is the music creative and original? [20 points]
Fulfilled Intent - Is thematic topic apparent in the work? Judges may rely heavily on the Artist’s Statement of Originality to evaluate the artwork for this criterion. [10 points]
Videos must be LESS THAN 3 MINUTES in length.
They can be any type, including animation, claymation, narrative, documentary, dance, music, experimental, etc. They must be in English or subtitled in English.
Only original videos can be entered into the competition. Provide proper credit for use of anything created by others:
Drawings - Drawings should preferably be original. If an artist uses pre-drawn clip art or artwork from another person, he/she should use only copyright-free art (providing credit to the original artist if known) or obtain written permission to use the copyrighted art. Keep track of how you got any clip art, so that you can provide the source if selected for display.
Music - Background music in a video can be originally composed, “copyright-free” (sometimes called “royalty-free”), or copyrighted but ONLY if you have permission from the music publisher to use it. Keep track of how you got any background music, so that you can provide the source if selected for display.
Actors - You must get permission from all people appearing in the video and give them credit.
Software - You must credit any software you use to create the video.
Indicate your Video Category on the entry form:
Animation - Defined as the rapid display of a sequence of images of 2D or 3D artwork to create an illusion of movement.
Live Action - Often referred to as “cinematography”, live action video does not include animations as described above and are frequently performed by real actors. This category could include drama, short film, or one act plays, etc., with or without accompanying music.
Dance - A variant of Live Action Video where dance is heavily featured.
Interactive Media - Interactive media includes apps and interactive websites. Artists can submit a demo video of their interactive media. They can also include the URL for the original media in the Artist’s Statement of Originality.
Video upload instructions
Artists should upload their video to YouTube or Vimeo and provide the link created on the competition online Entry Form. Select “view publicly” and do NOT allow embedding of comments, comment voting, video responses, video rating, or external sites in the video. Also include “Humans in Space Art Youth Competition” as tag words for the video, so that a video can be easily via search.
Artists should keep all raw and final formats of video files or any other information that might be needed later for display, if selected.
Judging Criteria for Video
The panel of contest judges will be a mixture of scientists, engineers, and artists from around the world. They will award a maximum of 100 points for:
Production Quality - Visual aesthetics; audio appropriate and effective; lighting appropriate and of quality; good use of actors, props, location, etc. [20 points]
Technical Skill - Camera operation, video editing. [20 points]
Final Product - Intended meaning and more—story flow; cohesiveness; overall video quality; communication of message, special effects, the “wow” factor. [20 points]
Creativity - Is the video creative and original? [20 points]
Fulfilled Intent - Is thematic topic apparent in the work? [20 points]
Step 1:
Prepare information and files prior to completing the ONLINE ENTRY FORM.
Artwork & Contact Information (in English)
Artwork Information
Title of Art Entry
Art genre and category
Age group (10-13 or 14-18) - Note: If team entry, age group assigned is based on oldest member.
Contact Person’s Information - One artist associated with entry or teacher/parent submitting on behalf of artist(s)]
Full name
Email address
Postal address
Phone number
Artist(s)’ Information - May be same as Contact, but must complete information for every artist on a team
Artist’s full name
Artist’s date of birth
Artist’s country of origin
Artist’s email address
Artist’s parent or guardian’s full name
Artist’s parent or guardian’s email address
Artist’s parent or guardian’s postal address and phone number
Artist’s Statement of Originality
The artist(s) should prepare a statement describing what inspired the art and what he/she is trying to communicate in 400 words or less. This statement provides information that is very important for the judges. An artist should do his or her best to write this statement in English.
Artist should also indicate materials used, any assistance or teamwork involved, and credit to others for visual artwork, music, written information, video, performances, etc. incorporated into the submitted artwork with permission.
Please do should NOT include artist’s name or art entry title in the Statement of Originality.
Each artist under 18 years old must identify a parent or guardian who understands the agreement form and discusses it with the artist, and then gives the minor-aged child permission to participate via his/her signature. Preview Agreement.
The designated parent or guardian for the artist (or artist, if 18 years old) will receive an email with an electronic agreement specifically-designed for that artist AFTER filling out the Entry form is submitted. Each parent/guardian must electronically sign their child’s agreement to complete the art submission process.
Artwork Files
The artist should be ready to upload appropriate electronic files for art submission as described in Guidelines. Please make sure that an artist’s name is NOT visible on the electronic version of the submitted art:
Visual art - Maximum file size is 25 Gb.
2D Visual Art file—Upload one file as .jpg, .gif, pdf, or .png
Sequential Art file—Upload up to 8 files as .jpg, .gif, pdf or .png
3D Visual Art file—Upload up to 3 files as .jpg, .gif, pdf or .png
Literature (Poetry or Flash Fiction) - Upload one file as .pdf.
Music - Provide the following for the specific category:
Non-Orchestral — Upload one Audio Only file as .mp3 or .wav. If lyrics in artwork, upload one text file as .pdf. If possible, upload sheet music, chords, or guitar tab as .pdf.
Orchestral - Upload one Audio file .mp3 or .wav. Upload one Sheet Music file as .pdf
Video (All Categories) - Provide YouTube or Vimeo link.
Step 2:
Complete the Online Entry Form.
Have all the necessary documents ready prior to filling out the Online Entry Form (Step 1)
Complete each text field on the Online Entry Form in English. Note: An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
Upload the required artwork files. Note: Once an application form is submitted with attached files, no document substitutions are accepted by the online entry form system.
Step 3:
Provide Signed Agreement.
After the online Entry Form has been submitted, each artist’s parent/guardian (or artist if over 18 years old) will receive an email with a specifically-designed, electronic agreement. Please make a notation of the Identification Numbers for your entry and refer to that ID number when communicating with the competition organizers later, if needed.
If signing the agreement electronically is not possible, contact the organizers at contests@sciartex.org
Step 4:
Await confirmation that the competition entry is complete.
An e-mail notification will be sent to the artwork Contact Person when all the artist(s)’ agreements have all been received.
Only COMPLETE ENTRIES received before the deadline of 11:59 PM US Central Standard Time May 15, 2019 will be considered.
If you absolutely cannot submit your entry using the online system OR if you encounter a problem with the online Entry Form, please email contests@sciartex.org. Please be sure to reference “Youth Art Competition” in your communications.